Tuesday 31 January 2012

Editing day 1

Today, my group began our editing of our final sequence. We decided that the first thing to do would be to review our footage and decide which shots we thought were the best. We then chose to begin deciding on the order our shots would be in and found that in general the shot order matched the storyboards. We were only able to organise a rough order for our shots as we still didn't have the party sequence filmed we also decided to leave creating title and sorting out the music/sounds/effects until another lesson when we would have more time to create the titles and add sound. (This would all happen at the very end of creating our sequence)

Thursday 26 January 2012

Filming day 3

Today, my group went through the same prepatory processes as we had in our previous day of filming, we gathered equipment, organised the time off from form with our tutors, and met at our location, unlike last time the weather was fine for filming. We managed to re-film particular shots that we decided hadn't worked particularly well, such as the reaction shots to the props. We were then able to film our conversation a total of 3-6 times, 3 for each character. As a group we took turns at filming, and the actors would film the small parts that they didn't appear in. Overall today has been successful and we will be using our time next lesson to begin our edit, while we arrange the best time for filming the party sequence (the only section we have left to film)

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Filming day 2

Today, my group gathered our props equipment and costume and decided to meet at our location before school, we organised this with each of our form tutors and were able to get to our location with plenty of time. However upon arrival we found that rain would be an issue, we thought that we might be able to work around it by keeping the camera/equipment dry using an umbrella and trying to get the work done as quickly as we could. However we found on reviewing our test footage that the noise of the rain was too loud and as such we returned to school and instead planned out more thoroughly what we would be doing during our next lesson/next filming attempt.

Monday 23 January 2012

Reflection- 23rd January

So today we began our filming for the opening sequence we intend to create, we used periods three and four after gaining permission for group members to miss out on their single period enrichment lesson. We encountered a few minor setbacks when filming. Firstly we got to our main location for filming with minimal problems, however upon arriving we realised that our camera had very little battery and we wouldn't be able to film, so we sent one member of our group (Ryan) back in order to get another camera and in the mean time began to set up for our filming and waited for  Ryan to return. Upon his return we managed to film what I deem the most difficult part (Ryan's fall from the tree) In all I'm quite happy with what we managed in what turned out to be only am hour of filming. We intend to go out tomorrow during our media lesson and continue filming.

Thursday 19 January 2012

Music we will be using in our production

We will be using the following songs in our opening sequence;

Macho Man by the Village people;
This song will be the background music for the company logo's appearance,  the party sequence and the titles, it will then become diagetic and be used as Louis' ring tone. We chose this song as it adds to the comedic feel of this part.

They're red hot by the Red hot chili peppers;
We're using this as Barry's ring tone, again it will be used to add a comedic feel to the sequence and also to relate more to our questionnaire findings in which the preferred genre of music was Rock.

Wednesday 18 January 2012


Today my group finished creating our storyboards.
Here are 2 of the 21 pages. 

Tuesday 17 January 2012

Screenplay Draft 4

We as a group have been working on our screenplay and today managed to finish our work and create a screenplay that we and our teachers are happy with. Below I will attach a copy of the screenplay's final edit;

The Leap year, Final Edit Screenplay 4

Monday 16 January 2012

Production schedule

We intend to have our final draft of the screenplay completed tomorrow and also begin to create our storyboard and shot lists. We intend to finish all preparatory work by or during the Thursday lesson but we will definitely be filming Monday, and we should have all our necessary footage by the end of the day on Monday. Our screenplay should be posted by the end of the day tomorrow and soon after the storyboard too should be complete. Whilst a few members of our group complete the storyboards (Me and Alisha) The other two members will be creating costume lists and shot lists (Jamie and Ryan) whilst working on separate things our group members will be all working together, e.g. Me and Alisha will still contribute to the costume ideas/lists etc. 

Thursday 5 January 2012

Screenplay Draft 3

We've finished a third draft of the screenplay and intend to adjust it further, a copy of the 3rd draft can be found belowLeap Year draft 3

Lesson Summary

Today we've begun to finalise our screenplay and have also received comments from our teachers about our ideas. We've decided that we need to cut down our screenplay as it'll be much too long and not fit within our 2 minute time limit. We've decided that we will keep the party montage but may have to re-arrange the sequence of events. We plan to continue adjusting our sequence and have a final draft by the end of the week. 

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Shot list (Basic/Preliminary)

When filming our Opening sequence my group will be making use of the following shot types/camera movements:
  • Slightly jerky/shaky movement- freehand (mainly during the party sequence)
  • Extreme close up shots (again mainly during the party sequence also of the mobile phone as it rings)
  • Close up shots of Louis as he awakens
  • Change of focus (When reaching for the phone, the background is first out of focus with the only clear image that of the phone then it changes so that the phone is out of focus and Louis no longer is)
  • From here onwards we would use a variety of long to mid shots
  • We would make use of a tracking shots when Bonnie is walking towards the park
  • We would possibly make use of Point of View camera work when they find Barry
  • When they find Barry we would also use reaction shots
  • throughout we might make use of panning or tilting (Tilt would be mainly to showcase the strange costume they're wearing)
  • I think that overall we'd use more flat angle than low or high angled shots

Screenplay draft 2

Leap Year Screenplay Version 2