Wednesday 4 January 2012

Shot list (Basic/Preliminary)

When filming our Opening sequence my group will be making use of the following shot types/camera movements:
  • Slightly jerky/shaky movement- freehand (mainly during the party sequence)
  • Extreme close up shots (again mainly during the party sequence also of the mobile phone as it rings)
  • Close up shots of Louis as he awakens
  • Change of focus (When reaching for the phone, the background is first out of focus with the only clear image that of the phone then it changes so that the phone is out of focus and Louis no longer is)
  • From here onwards we would use a variety of long to mid shots
  • We would make use of a tracking shots when Bonnie is walking towards the park
  • We would possibly make use of Point of View camera work when they find Barry
  • When they find Barry we would also use reaction shots
  • throughout we might make use of panning or tilting (Tilt would be mainly to showcase the strange costume they're wearing)
  • I think that overall we'd use more flat angle than low or high angled shots

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