Thursday 9 February 2012

Editing day 5

Today, we worked in lesson and again after school to get the sequence finished/mostly finished. We realised that our sequence would exceed the time limit of two minutes if we included everything that we had wanted. In the end we decided to put the whole sequence together anyway so that we would be able to see what we could cut out without loosing the humour or making it seem cut off.  We decided to get rid of our party montage and also all of the flashbacks, We removed as much dialogue as we possibly could- which was not a large amount. In the end we managed to get as close to the two minute limit as was feasible. We finished the titles and sent them over to the mac with our production to add them to our sequence, we also added in the production logo that I had finished creating the night before. We added in our last minute effects and sounds/music and were fairly happy with the end result.

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