Thursday 23 February 2012

Who would be the audience for your media product? (Question 4)

The target audience for our film would include mainly males between the ages of 15-20, they would be a fan of comedy films such as The Hangover and Dude where's my car.He would enjoy alcohol related humour such as that which can be seen within the hangover. He would be  a student, studying at either sixth form, college or university. He watches films quite often and uses the Internet a lot, he also watches a lot of TV and enjoys shows such as the inbetweeners and shameless. He listens to Rock music most often but also will listen to cheesy pop. He dresses very casually and shops at places such as primark, matalan etc.   

Based on this audience profile I feel that my groups opening sequence would be appropriate and fit in with the needs/wants of our general audience member. This is due to the fact that our film falls within the favoured genre of our target audience member and also follows a similar storyline to that of his favourite films. It also uses characters/actors of a similar age range to the people we are hoping to encourage to watch our film, this means that the characters can be more easily related to by the members of the audience.  We have also included examples of rock and cheesy pop music in order to cater to their musical tastes as well as their film preferences. 

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