Saturday 10 March 2012

Looking back at your Preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product? (Question 7)

I feel that since the preliminary task I have become better equipped to deal with obstacles/problems that might arise during the process of filming, such as forgotten props, low battery on the camera and lack of variety between shot types. I have also learnt to be more cautious when choosing my location for filming and that we need to have good communication skill when working in a group. For example, the prelim taught me that I shouldn't film facing a window as it's near impossible to see what's happening in shot when that happens. I've learn that there are a variety of inventive ways ti create interesting shot's, My group in the prelim have very limited use of shots whilst my second group worked hard to ensure that we'd have a variety of usable shots.  Use of 180 degree rule in my prelim was more tentative and less accurate, whilst upon reaching the filming of our final product we were more sure of our abilities and as such were more accurate in our use of camera meaning the we were better able to stick to the 180 degree rule. Also in terms of shot reverse shot we were able to film this more efficiently when creating our final product whereas we all learnt when our prelim that we could find a variety of more interesting ways to film shot reverse shot than what we had been doing. As for Match-on-action, my prelim group was quite successful in doing this, and my group for the final product would have been successful if we had been able to keep the example of match on action in our sequence. However due to time restrictions we were unable to include it. 

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