Thursday 8 March 2012

What have you learnt about technology from the process of constructing this product? (Question 6)

We used a wide variety of technology in the production of our opening sequence;

The camera was probably the most important piece of equipment that we used as we used it to gain the footage for our final sequence. We ensured that every group member had a turn at using the camera, with those who were more experienced teaching the other group members what to do. Those more sure of their camera work would also do parts without use of a tripod, though this happened rarely as a majority of our shots were supposed to be static with only minimal panning or zooming.


The tripod we used on shots where we needed the camera to be steady and using our hands to hold the camera would have been insufficient due to most of our group members having unsteady hands or being actors in the production.

The mac was another integral part of our project, in that it was the place where our sequence actually came together and was built up. The mac held all of the programs that we needed to use to create our final product.

Final Cut
This we used to actually put our sequence in order and add any 
effects/sounds/music/titles/transitions that we thought would be needed in our production. We used it to add in any effects/transitions/titles/music/sounds that we deemed necessary for our work to be successful at attracting our audience.

We used blogger to keep ourselves on track with the production of our project, we used it to ensure that we all knew what to do and when.

Live Type
Live type we used to create the titles for our opening sequence, we then saved and imported the titles onto our actual product. We used this as it meant that we had a professional yet easily achieved title sequence to use for our final product.  

We used youtube to publicise our production and ensure that it was seen by our intended audience, we also used youtube to research our reference sequences from the industry and also to see properly whether or not the music we wanted would fit with our sequence.

We used scribd to upload all versions of our script so that when we were re-writing we would be able to easily keep track of the most useful script to use in our re-writes as a form of reference. It ensured that we always had a version of the script no matter which person had originally saved it in their documents, this meant that it was easier for us to work should any group members not be present for a lesson. 

We use imovie for the main/sole reason of importing our footage easily onto the computer so that we had a quick and simple means of moving the footage we needed into final cut.

IPod + Portable Docking station
We used this so that we knew what to to when we were out filming our sequence. It was used when filming Louis' fall from the tree and Barry's phone going off. This was mainly for the benefit of the actors as they then knew what to do based on which section of the song was playing.

Photoshop CS5.1
Photoshop was used in the creation of the production logo along with Gimp and to a degree Adobe Flash/Microsoft PowerPoint. Flash was used to create the line work and PowerPoint to create a perfect cartoon moon shape, whilst Photoshop coloured and assembled the picture and Gimp was used to make last minute adjustments when I had no access to photoshop.

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