Saturday 19 November 2011

Comedy Film ideas

For our coursework we need to create a two minute opening sequence for a film genre of our choosing and my group has decided on.... Comedy!
So we're all going to create our own ideas for a plot for our film so that we have several options to choose from and it's easier to map out our opening before we actually begin to film.

My idea for a comedy film is:

  • A man goes through the worst day imaginable.
  • I thought that to a degree this would be inspired by the old mickey mouse cartoons I watched in which Goofy had a problem that the narrator helped him with, only for things to not go exactly to plan.
  • As the man goes about his day a voice from a recently discovered and strange device offers him advice about how to overcome various problems. 
  • The advice given by this device tends to not be the most helpful however and many a time causes the problem to become worse.
  • Regardless of this fact the man continues to take the advice given to him being the eternal optimist and thinking that things can't possibly get worse... but they do.
In terms of a title I thought that perhaps 'The advisor' sums this idea up fairly well.

The plot of my film is as follows:

It would start with the man suffering though a multitude of problems e.g. car doesn't start/misses his train, turns up late to an important meeting/appointment etc. His day gradually gets worse until it reaches the very worse it can possibly get and he has lost his job and such, he returns home dejectedly. Only to discover a mysterious device on the way, being naturally curious he picks it up and intends to work it out when he gets home. he messes around with it when he gets home until it starts to speak to him, not a recorded message but directly to him. Foolishly he decides to keep it with him not seeing what harm it could cause and speaks to it about his day. He wakes up the next day going about his business and follows the advice of the device as he has nothing else he can do and no other choices about how to get his job back. He does as suggested by the device and gets his job back, overjoyed he decides to follow any and all advice given to him by the device. He goes about the next few days doing as the device suggests and all goes well but gradually things begin to go down hill and the device seems to giving advice that causes more harm than good. He pays this little attention though until the device suggests something that goes really wrong . Now he tries to stop using the device to find that without any outside input(the device's help) his luck is even worse than it was originally as such he begins to use it again only for the same cycle to repeat. Soon his friend steps in and tells him he doesn't need it and that he's fine the way he is, accident prone clumsy and unlucky. Confidence restored he gets rid of the device and continues with his life, still one of the most unlucky people in the world.

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