Tuesday 1 November 2011

Preliminary task

So today we started working on our preliminary task, our brief was to plan and film a face to face conversation between two characters. It involves filming and editing a character opening a door, crossing the room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character, with whom she/he then exchanges a few lines of dialogue. 

My group then wrote this script for the task. 

Twin1: [Walks through door and crosses the room hitting the other persons should as she passes]
Twin2: [Drops a locket] "Hey! Watch where you're going!"
Twin1: [Sarcastic] "Oh, sorry..."
Twin2: [Picks up locket and dusts it off]
Twin1: "Uh, what's that?"
Twin2: "This? It's my locket, why?"
Twin1: [Silently takes off her own locket showing it to the other]
Twin2: [Looks up] "It's the same?"
Twin1: "So what does that mean?" 
Twin2: [Thinks] "So you know you said your birthday is the 13th of January?..." 
Twin1: "No! no, no, no! I know where you're going with this! We're not..."
Twin2: "Twins!!"

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