Tuesday 22 November 2011

Treatment pitch feedback

Today we presented to the class and our teachers the treatment for our film plot, for this we were given a variety of feedback and advice that would aid us to improve our opening sequence. 
We were given advice regarding the setting of our film opening in order to improve the comedic feel, for example it was suggested that we have the opening sequence set in a strange place e.g. a park, ikea, a random street somewhere etc. 
It was also suggested to us that we include a gimmick or joke of some form in the opening sequence in order to further demonstrate that the opening sequence is for a comedy film.  This is also so that we don't rely entirely on the dialogue/script of our sequence to make it funny, as such taking some of the pressure off. 
We were also told what we did in our treatment that was good, this included things such as the research that we conducted into the genre and the films that we used to base our idea on. Our research was very detailed and well considered.  We were also told that our understanding and use of convention was quite good and very relevant to the genre as a whole. 
Based on this advice we will now develop our opening sequence and include a gimmick as well as change the setting. We will also ensure that our script is at the highest possible standard we can make it.

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