Thursday 15 December 2011

Treatment revised

We have as a group decided that we needed to change our treatment pitch based on the information gained from our online and paper questionnaires and the focus group.
Title: Leap year
An original screenplay from Jamie Payne, Ryan Kent, Alisha Ward and Kayleigh Morris
Date: 15th December 2011

We present a comedy film about Barry and Louis two teenagers with an imagination that far exceeds normality. A third friend attempts to play the voice of reason as the two friends discuss the insanity of the night previous, but really with friends like those two it's not hard to imagine that he's In accordance to the suggestions of the focus group we are going to include a female character (Bonnie) as a challenge to the general conventions in which all main characters tend to be male not really paid attention to.

As the story unfolds we discover that on their night out turned out to be far more than was expected by anyone. They encountered superheroes, dancing aliens, emotional turmoil, a bromance and even llama's? When we pitched this idea to the focus group they thought that we might try to include all of this in the opening sequence and suggested that t might be  a little bit too much to put in the first few minutes. We did explain that we are not going to include all of this straight away and only included it in the pitch in order to give a general overview of the idea. Throughout their discussion of last night several fights and arguments break out. 

The opening sequence of this film would involve the third more rational person entering the room in which both Louis and Barry have collapsed, giving the both of them a cup of tea in order to sober the two up somewhat. From here a long discussion begins revolving around the unclear events of the previous night. 
We'd have the camera showing at first only extreme close ups of the three main characters as they wake up and start moving about. The camera would then reveal that the three are in a park with one character cello-taped to a tree this would be Barry whilst Louis is sleeping in the same tree and wakes up -falling out of the tree in the process. Louis answers the phone to find that Bonnie is attempting to contact them from the location of the party, she then hangs up after a short conversation and arrives with two mugs of tea and a pack of biscuits.

Think, Dude where's my car meets the hangover. 

Our Production Company intends to make use of fairly strange mise-en-scene, for example the characters would be dressed very messily in the same clothes as they had worn the previous night, 
The characters, on the suggestion of the focus group, will be dressed in fancy dress, as of yet we are unsure as to the exact costume they will be wearing. But we are considering having Louis wear tights the props would  be objects such as empty drink cans, cups of tea etc. The lighting would be vibrant and bright at most/all times. We would use a fair amount of effects on the scenes, as well as a wide variety of sound and music that fit the situations. In terms of camera we would use a lot of close-ups and reaction shots. We would make use of extreme close ups and close ups until Louis' phone rings and then when he reveals their location we would zoom out and show a long shot of the entire tree with Louis and Barry sitting in it or stuck to it. We would make use of mid-shots during the phone conversation as well as reaction shots We would include all of this in order to create a sense of humour for the audience to react to. Our target audience would be around the general age ranges of 15-21.

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